Publishing activities

Pohjois-Suomen Maantieteellinen Seura julkaisee kahta tieteellistä open access sarjaa: Nordia Geographical Publications ja Nordia Tiedonantoja. Sarjat ovat myös Oulun yliopiston maantieteen tutkimusyksikön julkaisusarjoja. Siirryimme vuonna 2014 kokonaan open access -julkaisemiseen.

Nordia Geographical Publications

Nordia Geographical Publications Nordia Geographical Publications (NGP) is intended for academic postgraduate or other research. The series also publishes the the NGP Yearbook, which serves as the Society's member journal. Articles published in the NGP Yearbook are peer-reviewed using a double-blind procedure. The Federation of Finnish Learned Societies has granted the NGP series a peer review label, which has been introduced in the NGP series since 2016. Nordia Geographical Publications has been ranked by the Federation of Finnish Learned Societies at level 1 Of the Publication Forum.

Nordia Tiedonantoja

In the Nordia Tiedonanto series, surveys and reports made in the geography research unit of the University of Oulu are published. In 1995, the Nordia Tiedonanto A and B series were combined into one entity.

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